Leave It To Beavers: What They Can Teach Humans About Dental Health

Busy little beavers are not getting tooth decay, even though no special fluoridated water is drunk and they don't brush their teeth. Humans need to learn their secrets! After many years without brushing teeth, individuals would have a mouth full of problems. You may be surprised to find the real reason beavers have good oral health. Different Enamel The pigmented enamel of a beaver contains iron that makes teeth more resistant to acid and harder than regular (human) enamel, even if the teeth are treated with fluoride. [Read More]

Three Reasons To Ask For A Dental Implant Instead Of A Bridge

When you knock out a permanent tooth, you have options for how to replace the tooth. For a long time, the option of choice was to use a dental bridge. However, you can get better, more natural results by using a dental implant.  Limitations of a Dental Bridge One way to replace a tooth is to anchor the replacement tooth to the teeth on either side. A dentist will first have to prep these adjacent teeth by filing down the enamel to make a smooth, flat surface that brackets can then be attached to. [Read More]

Three Keys For Understanding Dental Implants

There are some guidelines that you will need to understand if you want your oral health to remain at its peak. Sometimes, it will take more than just the standard brushing, flossing, and dental appointments. For instance, you may have a tooth that is very close to being beyond repair due to infection or other circumstances. That's where dental implants come into play. Follow this guide to learn more about dental implants and what to expect from them. [Read More]

Can Dental Implants Stop Bone Loss?

Tooth loss is one of the most harrowing consequences of aging. However, a lot of people don't consider the other indirect consequences of tooth loss, which is bone loss. People can damage their jaws as they lose their teeth. Fortunately, you can prevent some of these problems by getting dental implants. Implants will give you the opportunity to strengthen your jawbones well into your old age. Bone Density and Bone Use [Read More]