Helping Your Child Break a Thumb Sucking Habit

If your child sucks their thumb, then you may be informed by their dentist that the habit should be stopped before the adult teeth start to come into the mouth. If the habit is not curbed, then your child may end up with a permanent overbite. This type of problem can cause some health issues that include a tight and sore jaw. If your child currently sucks their thumb and you want to try to break the habit, then try some of the tips below. [Read More]

3 Bone And Gum Procedures That Can Aid Your Overdenture Treatment

Partial dentures offer a dental replacement option when you have several teeth missing in an area but have some natural teeth present. The artificial teeth are attached to a plate that has holes to accommodate existing teeth. Full dentures have plates filled with enough artificial teeth to completely fill your mouth. Traditional partial or full dentures sit on your gums with little support. Overdentures are a more secure alternative due to the support of dental implant roots. [Read More]

2 Key Characteristics Of Patients Well Suited For Subperiosteal Dental Implants

Cosmetic dentistry specialists tout dental implants as one of the most natural feeling and looking artificial teeth on the market. The traditional dental implant involves implanting a metal root within the healthy jawbone, which will then heal around that root to secure it in place. If you don't have healthy jawbone, you can undergo a lengthy bone graft – or you might qualify for subperiosteal dental implants. What are two key characteristics of patients who are well suited for subperiosteal dental implants? [Read More]

Three Bad Habits To Break Before You Spring For Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain veneers can truly transform your smile, but they can be costly. If you're going to go through the expense and hassle of getting veneers, then you want to be sure you don't do anything that's going to compromise or break them. If you have any of these three habits, the time to break them is now – before you have the veneers put in place. Bad Habit: Biting your nails. [Read More]