Elaine Young
3 Things You Can Do At The Office To Keep Your Gums In Good Shape
When you are away from home at the office, you may be concerned that your oral health is suffering, especially if you have already had problems with the state of your gums. Since the gums support the teeth and their inflammation affects underlying bone, it is important for you to observe good periodontal care even when you are at work. Here are a few things that you can do at the office to help keep your gums in good shape:
4 Systemic Health Conditions Affected By Periodontal Disease
Periodontal disease is an advanced form of gum disease. Originally, gum disease may present as the swollen, red gum tissue that is characteristic of gingivitis. The gums may bleed more easily as you brush or floss, signaling that the tissues have become inflamed, but as the disease progresses, gum recession and even bone loss may occur.
Even though it affects the gums and underlying bone tissues associated with the mouth, periodontal disease can also affect other areas of the body.
4 Things Not To Do After Having A Tooth Extracted
Getting a tooth removed can be a difficult time during life. However, if the tooth has significant decay or there is an extensive infection in the tooth, you will need to have it extracted. The key for letting your gums heal as quickly as possible is by doing the right things and not the wrong ones after the tooth has been taken out of your mouth. By knowing certain things to avoid, this can be helpful to you.
Tooth Fairy 2.0: Ideas To Help Tech-Savvy Kids Celebrate Losing Their Baby Teeth
The Tooth Fairy is one of the grand traditions that parents of all religions and socioeconomic backgrounds can enjoy with their children. However, simply leaving a dollar under one's pillow as a helper of the Tooth Fairy isn't quite the same now. Tech-savvy kids will enjoy celebrating these life milestones with help from the gadgets, games, and software they enjoy.
Online Games Galore
When kids are proud of losing their baby teeth, they may delight in playing online games that have a dental theme as a way to celebrate.
Orthodontic Options For Your Child
If your child is suffering from misaligned teeth, his or her dentist may suggest that the misalignment is corrected. Here are a few orthodontic options that may be used to correct the dental misalignment in a youngster's mouth:
Conventional Braces
Conventional metal braces are the braces that you may remember from your youth. Metal brackets are positioned on the front surface of the teeth and an archwire is attached to the brackets using elastic ligatures.
3 Types Of Dental Crown Material
Many people are under the assumption that dental crowns can only be constructed from porcelain. This is not the case. There are a variety of different materials from which dental crowns can be constructed, each with their own set of pros and cons. Throughout the course of this brief guide, you will learn about just a few of the types of materials from which your dental crowns can be made.
What You Need To Know About Dental Implants And Insurance Coverage
Dental implants are the right choice for many people who are facing major tooth decay or tooth loss for other reasons. Once you and your dentist decide that dental implants are the right solution for your dental woes, the next step is to work with your insurance to see how much of it will be covered under your insurance plans. Here's what you need to know about dental implants and insurance.
Did Your Teen Damage An Adult Tooth? The Best Replacement Choices
Did your teen crack their tooth severely and now they need to have the tooth removed and replaced with an alternative option? If so, there are a few options you'll want to consider for their smile, depending on their age and what you think is best.
The most practical options to pick from are either veneers or dental implants. Here are the pros and cons of each of these options for your teen.
Recovering From Your Root Canal: Tips For You
When you go to the dentist for a tooth ache and find out that you have an infection in the dental pulp of your tooth, you will likely receive the recommendation from your dentist that you undergo a root canal procedure. If you have never had a root canal before, you may wonder what the after-effects and recovery process will be like and what you can expect. Get to know more about the root canal recovery process so that you can be prepared and take the best possible care of yourself following your root canal procedure.
Keeping Your Infant Safe From Baby Bottle Tooth Decay
Every parent wants their infant to develop healthy teeth and avoid periodontal diseases that would affect their oral well-being. Unfortunately, one of the most common causes of tooth rot and sensitivity in infants -- baby bottle tooth decay-- is often caused by poor feeding habits used by parents. While providing a bottle to your infant at bedtime can comfort them, it can also lead to early childhood caries that can cost your child their primary teeth.