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Tooth Fairy 2.0: Ideas To Help Tech-Savvy Kids Celebrate Losing Their Baby Teeth

The Tooth Fairy is one of the grand traditions that parents of all religions and socioeconomic backgrounds can enjoy with their children. However, simply leaving a dollar under one's pillow as a helper of the Tooth Fairy isn't quite the same now. Tech-savvy kids will enjoy celebrating these life milestones with help from the gadgets, games, and software they enjoy.

Online Games Galore

When kids are proud of losing their baby teeth, they may delight in playing online games that have a dental theme as a way to celebrate. Colgate offers such games as Toothpaste Tower, Lost Tooth Corner, and Tell the Tooth. Other tooth-related games like Happy Teeth Doctor are available independently through Google Play and itunes.

Social Media Shout-Outs

Although many social media websites only let children who are at least 13 years old join, you may opt to take a photo of your child with the missing tooth and post it with a celebratory caption on your own social media accounts. Read the kind comments and show your child how many "likes" the post has received. It's sure to be lots of fun for the child who gets to soak up the positive attention as part of the celebration.

Bedtimes E-Books

When bedtime rolls around on the day that a baby tooth was lost, you should bring out your tablet to read teeth-related children's books to your child. Reading an e-book to your child enables them to feel more interactive with the story. The following books are popular teeth-related books for kids:

  • Brush, Brush, Brush! by Alicia Padron
  • The Night Before The Tooth Fairy by Natasha Wing
  • Throw Your Tooth on the Roof by Selby B. Beeler
  • My Wobbly Tooth Must Not Ever Never Fall Out by Lauren Child

Online Baby Tooth Trackers

Celebrate the loss of every single baby tooth by getting online and tracking which tooth was lost with your child. You may choose to track it in a word processing software or use a tracking website with fun graphics that allows a child to visually see how they are progressing with their baby teeth. Kids who have lost a lot of teeth can get excited when they see the progress they have made towards having all adult teeth.

Finally, keep in mind that every child will still enjoy an old-fashioned visit from the Tooth Fairy. There's no need to stop old traditions while adding new ones. Use these ideas and enjoy both new and old traditions as your kids lose their baby teeth. You can find more ideas by visiting a pediatric dentistry, such as Dentistry For Children.
