Feel Confident About Dental Implants By Learning About Success Rates & Patient Satisfaction

As you consider getting dental implants to replace some missing teeth, you no doubt look forward to some functional improvements as well as making your smile look more attractive. You might have wondered how successful these devices are and whether people are generally satisfied with their dental implants. You'll be glad to learn about the excellent results and research confirming the positive psychological and physical effects. Dental Implant Success Rate [Read More]

2 Potential Childhood Dental Issues—and the Potential Solutions

Infants and young children depend on parents to maintain proper oral health care. It's important to meet with your family or pediatric dentist for frequent checks and to follow the oral healthcare advice provided. But the best intentions don't always prevent childhood dental issues from developing. Here are a couple of common dental problems in young children and the potential ways you and the dentist can help your child have a brighter dental future. [Read More]

Dental Implants: Qualifications For Restoring Missing Teeth With Titanium Implants

Implant dentistry is the use of titanium rods to secure crowns permanently into your mouth, creating natural-looking teeth where teeth are missing. Although many people can benefit from this technological advance in dentistry, not everyone is a viable candidate for this type of restorative dentistry. Your Age Matters When Discussing Dental Implants Children and teenagers who have not stopped growing are not good candidates for dental implants. The implant is permanent, and putting a titanium implant into a growing jawbone isn't going to be successful over the long haul. [Read More]

Teeth Cleaning: Are You Using The Correct Flossing Tips?

A large number of people neglect to floss although they know they shouldn't do this. In any good dental hygiene routine, flossing is an essential element. It is not possible to clear away all food debris and bacteria build-up by just brushing. You can help ward off tooth decay and loss of teeth with correct flossing. But what technique should you use for flossing? Here are some of the fundamental rules for correct flossing. [Read More]