Dos And Don'ts Of Dental Health

You shouldn't take your teeth for granted, because you can lose them and find yourself needing to replace them if you don't treat them right. If you do lose your teeth, it isn't something you can simply ignore because it will lead to other problems. Along with helping you eat, speak and show emotion, your teeth also have the important role of helping your face maintain its shape and your bone to maintain a healthy bone density. [Read More]

Three Steps For Maximizing On Your Dental Care

If you are looking to boost your health and your well being, never make the mistake of neglecting dental health. Many people let their dental health slip, not knowing that this form of health is about so much more than cosmetic appearances. In fact, dental health is linked to both positive self-image and heart disease prevention. To get all that you need out of your oral health, read on and use these tips below to find a dentist and take control of your dental health. [Read More]

Three Common Types Of Cracked Teeth And Their Treatments

When you go into the dentist office with a cracked tooth, one of the first things the dentist will do is categorize the type of crack. Some cracks on teeth are mostly cosmetic issues, while others can be a source of great discomfort or major infection. Here are three common types of tooth cracks, plus what your dentist may recommend in each case. Craze Lines A craze line is perhaps the most common and also the most innocuous type of tooth crack. [Read More]

What Happens If You Cover Up Damaged Teeth With Grillz?

Grillz have become the new trend. They are decorative covers made from silver, gold or jewel-encrusted precious metals that fit over your teeth. This mouthpiece was made popular by rappers and other celebrities. Grillz are usually removable, but some wearers get their teeth altered with gold crowns to make them permanently look like a grill. These mouthpieces have become so popular that some wearers might think they can use them to cover up damage to their teeth. [Read More]