
3 Reasons To Choose Dental Implants For Missing Teeth

If you are missing teeth, it may make you want to hide your smile. Many American have one or more missing teeth, but there are many options to replace them. Dental implants are a newly popular option. Though they've been around for a long time, they are only now becoming a norm in the world of cosmetic medicine thanks to their many advancements. If you want to replace your missing teeth, but you haven't checked into dental implants, check out these three benefits.

Understanding The Use Of Denture Adhesive

If you have recently been fitted for dentures, then you will likely be receiving your first set of artificial teeth shortly. Dentures will sometimes fit improperly, especially when you slip them in the mouth for the first time. When dentures are loose, they can cause discomfort, especially when they rub against the gums. To keep the dentures from shifting around, invest in denture adhesive. Keep reading to learn how to choose it and use it.

Gum Reshaping – A Cosmetic Procedure Often Forgotten

When you think about cosmetic dentistry, you probably immediately think of dental implants, bridges, teeth whitening and veneers, but what about your gums? Gum reshaping is also a procedure that can improve the appearance of your smile. It is also used to treat gum health problems to protect your oral health. Here, you'll learn a little about gum reshaping to help you determine if it's something that would do well for you.

Do You Suffer From Stubborn Bad Breath That Won't Go Away No Matter How Much You Brush And Floss? It May Have A Different Cause

Are you suffering from frequent bad breath no matter how much you brush and floss? If these don't seem to help your chronic bad breath, it may have a different cause. While brushing and flossing are important for maintaining your dental health, bad breath can be caused by other issues that can't be fixed through good oral hygiene. If you have stubborn bad breath that just won't go away, here are some of the potential causes.

Considering Invisalign Treatment For Crooked Teeth? Know These 5 Things

Have crooked teeth as an adult? If so, Invisalign is a great way to way to fix the problem without the stigma of wearing metal on your teeth. Before you move forward with getting Invisalign, it is important to know the following 5 things. Invisalign Is Best for Small Adjustments If you need some major adjustments done to your teeth, Invisalign may not be for you. Consider getting Invisalign if you are looking to close gaps and straighten out crooked teeth, not if you have major issues such as one tooth located directly behind another.

How To Restore Your Teeth After A Traumatic Accident

If your teeth and gums have been damaged in a traumatic accident, you may be looking for ways to restore the look of your smile. Here are a few dental applications to correct the appearance of your teeth. Dental Veneers Dental veneers can be used to correct the look of teeth that have been chipped or cracked during an accident. In addition, they can transform the appearance of teeth that have been permanently darkened by a traumatic blow.

3 Ways Hormone Replacement Therapy Can Keep Your Mouth Healthy

If you are considering a cosmetic dentistry procedure such as dental implant surgery, you will need to ensure that your gums and the bones that support your natural teeth are healthy. As women approach menopause, their estrogen levels, and most notably, estrogen, can dramatically drop, which can have a negative impact on their teeth and gums. If your gingival tissue and dental status are poor, you might have complications with your implants such as infection and loosening.

Tips To Help Recover After Dental Implant Surgery

Are you scheduled to have dental implants installed to fill in those missing teeth? If so, you may be wondering about what the recovery process will be like. Here are some important tips to follow regarding aftercare, which will help you recover from having the dental procedure done. Swelling Is Common It is normal for you to experience some swelling after you have the titanium rods implanted into your jawbone. This happens because of tissue damage, so it's important that you keep the swelling under control.

All About The Secret Ingredient That Will Keep Your Kid's Teeth Healthier

You know the struggle of getting your child to exhibit healthy oral hygiene. Maybe the flossing and brushing routine is disastrous, which can make any parent stress about the health of their kid's smile. Luckily, there is a secret ingredient that can put your mind at ease and that ingredient is Xylitol. Here's what you need to know: It's Found in Gum: Yes, Xylitol is found in gum, but not the kind of gum that you always thought was bad for your kid.

Can You Whiten Porcelain Crowns?

When dental work was invented it allowed for people to have better looking smiles. When the invention of the whitening treatment came along, everyone wanted their smile to be whiter and brighter. However, whitening treatments and dental work are hard to mix together. Crowns especially are notoriously difficult to whiten, but if you want a whiter smile, and have crowns, there's still hope.   Surface Stains Porcelain crowns are incredibly stain resistant.