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After A Root Canal Treatment: 3 Things To Expect

Characterized by cleaning out and sealing the infected pulp inside the tooth, the procedure can be an effective option for saving a tooth instead of extracting it. Even though an estimated 15 million root canal procedures are performed each year, most people are not entirely sure what they can expect after the treatment. If you will be having a root canal soon, here are a few things you can expect after the procedure.


It is true that you should feel less pain from the infected tooth after a root canal treatment. However, you will still experience some soreness and discomfort following the procedure.

The actual gum tissue surrounding the treated tooth will be sore and tender. In addition, most people experience a dull aching pain for a few days following the treatment.

It is normal, so you should not panic if you are experiencing pain after the root canal. Most dentists recommend taking an over-the-counter ibuprofen medication to relieve the pain and soreness. An ice pack can also be used to numb the jaw nearest to the treated tooth.

It is important to note that if you are experiencing severe pain in addition to a fever, visit your dentist immediately.

Difficulty Chewing

The pain and swelling that occurs after the root canal procedure will make chewing a bit difficult. Therefore, you should avoid eating hard, crunchy foods or any foods that require an excessive amount of chewing, such as steak and larger pieces of meat.

Soft foods that are easy to consume are your best option at least for a few days while you recover from the root canal procedure. Consider smoothies, soups, mashed potatoes, eggs, yogurts, and even pasta.

Light Bleeding

Most people are surprised to see some bleeding of their gums after a root canal procedure. Again, this is normal and something to expect.

You may notice the gums bleeding immediately after the treatment, so applying gauze to the treated area is smart. This will help the blood clot, forming a protective barrier over the incision site, which will prevent further bleeding while protecting the gum tissue and underlying roots from food residue and bacteria.

Light bleeding is also normal after brushing your teeth and gums following the root canal procedure. While brushing is necessary, avoid placing too much pressure on the gums, especially near the incision site.

If the bleeding continues for a few days or becomes worse, contact your dentist immediately
