4 Facts About Dental Extractions For Patients
Dentists try to preserve patients' teeth whenever possible. However, sometimes teeth must be removed for the sake of your overall health. Teeth that are severely decayed and damaged can be a hazard if left in place. Additionally, sometimes dental extractions are indicated when a person's mouth is overcrowded. Your dentist will tell you if dental extraction is a procedure that is right for you. Here are some things that patients should know about dental extraction procedures:
1. You may feel pressure during the dental extraction procedure.
During your dental extraction procedure, your dentist will make an incision in your gums to expose your tooth roots. They will grasp the tooth to be extracted using forceps and apply force until the tooth is removed from your jaw. You will not feel pain during this procedure since your mouth will be numbed ahead of time using local anesthesia. Your dentist will apply a frozen piece of cotton to the surface of your tooth to make sure that your tooth is numb. However, you may feel some pressure as your tooth is extracted.
2. Your dentist may place stitches in your mouth.
Your dentist may suture your gums closed after removing your tooth. Stitches hold the wound shut and encourage it to close. Most dentists use stitches that dissolve over time since these stitches do not need to be removed manually. Your dentist will give you care instructions if you are given stitches. You may be asked to gently brush around your stitches to ensure that food does not get trapped in them.
3. You should avoid smoking cigarettes, drinking alcohol, and using straws while you heal.
After you have a tooth removed, your gums will be tender for some time. You will be told to avoid smoking cigarettes, drinking through straws, and drinking alcohol until you have fully recovered. That's because these actions can increase your risk of developing a dry socket. A dry socket occurs when the clot in your empty tooth socket is dislodged. Dry sockets can increase your risk of infection and cause severe pain.
4. It can take up to two weeks for your mouth to fully heal.
Most people begin to feel better within a few days of their dental extraction. However, your mouth can take up to two weeks to heal completely. Follow all of your dentist's instructions and get plenty of rest to encourage healing.